الممثل والمخرج عبدالمحسن التمار
ويتطلع هذا الاطار الجديد الى الدفاع عن التنوع الثقافي الخليجي باعتباره مصدر قوة ، وتوفير وسائل التعامل مع الصعوبات التقنية والقانونية التي تحول دون ايجاد انتاج خليجي من خلال توفير الدعم المالي لتطوير ونشر الفن والثقافة السينمائية في الخليج ٬ من خلال إستحداث مدارس أو معاهد متخصصة في تدريس المهن السينمائة وإلقاء مزيد من الضوء على الأعمال التى إنجازها حتى الآن وتعزيز الحوار بين الإتحاد وبين مختلف الأطراف الفاعلة ٬ من أجل العمل على استحداث مركز سينمائي خليجي.
كما يهدف إلى مد الجسور الثقافية مع المؤسسات السينمائية الخليجية
والعربية والعالمية وتأمين حضور السينما والسينمائيين الخليجيين في
التظاهرات السينمائية العالمية ، وتنشيط العلاقات بين الاتحاد ونظرائه من
الاتحادات العربية والعالمية.
ويتعهد الاتحاد بالدفاع عن حريات ومصالح المهنيين الفنية والاقتصادية ٬ مع احترام صورتهم وحقوقهم وعملهم ٬ وتشجيع تطوير القطاع السينمائي والسمعي البصري.
Union's goal as a professional filmmakers to reunite the Gulf , as well as identifying the profession of each person in order to develop the Gulf film scene , it also means defending the status of the artist and film copyright protection .
The looks of this new framework to defend cultural diversity of the Gulf as a source of strength , and providing the means for dealing with the technical difficulties and legal shift without finding the production of the Gulf through the provision of financial support for the development and dissemination of art and film culture in the Gulf , through the development of schools or institutes specializing in the teaching professions Alcinmaúh and shed more light on the business , which achieved so far and to promote dialogue between the EU and between the different actors , in order to work on the development of the Gulf film Center .
It also aims to build bridges with cultural institutions cinematic Gulf , Arab and international insurance and attend film and filmmakers in the Gulf demonstrations international cinema , and activate the relations between the Union and his counterparts from Arab and international federations .
The Union pledges to defend the freedoms and interests of professionals, technical and economic , with respect for their rights and their image and their work , and encourage the development sector, the audiovisual and film .
ويتعهد الاتحاد بالدفاع عن حريات ومصالح المهنيين الفنية والاقتصادية ٬ مع احترام صورتهم وحقوقهم وعملهم ٬ وتشجيع تطوير القطاع السينمائي والسمعي البصري.
Union's goal as a professional filmmakers to reunite the Gulf , as well as identifying the profession of each person in order to develop the Gulf film scene , it also means defending the status of the artist and film copyright protection .
The looks of this new framework to defend cultural diversity of the Gulf as a source of strength , and providing the means for dealing with the technical difficulties and legal shift without finding the production of the Gulf through the provision of financial support for the development and dissemination of art and film culture in the Gulf , through the development of schools or institutes specializing in the teaching professions Alcinmaúh and shed more light on the business , which achieved so far and to promote dialogue between the EU and between the different actors , in order to work on the development of the Gulf film Center .
It also aims to build bridges with cultural institutions cinematic Gulf , Arab and international insurance and attend film and filmmakers in the Gulf demonstrations international cinema , and activate the relations between the Union and his counterparts from Arab and international federations .
The Union pledges to defend the freedoms and interests of professionals, technical and economic , with respect for their rights and their image and their work , and encourage the development sector, the audiovisual and film .
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